Conversion from Bruker dataset to MRIReco.jl object

After acquisition, you can convert the Bruker dataset to a RawAcquisitionData with the specific function RawAcquisitionData_MESE(b::BrukerFile). Conversion is mostly performed with MRIReco/MRIBase and MRIFiles functions.

We need to import them first :

using Subspace_MESE
using Subspace_MESE.MRIFiles
using Subspace_MESE.MRIReco

raw = RawAcquisitionData_MESE(b)

The RawAcquisitionData object is an implementation of the MRD format. After that point the remaining function are purely in the MRIReco.jl package.

In order to perform the reconstruction, the raw object needs to be converted into an AcquisitionData object with the following command :

acq = AcquisitionData(raw,OffsetBruker = true);

The keyword OffsetBruker is equal to true in order to correct the Field-Of-View offset along the phase and partition directions (specific to Bruker).

Direct reconstruction

From that point the user should take a look at the MRIReco.jl documentation in order to perfom the reconstruction.

A direct reconstruction can be performed with :

params = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
params[:reconSize] = acq.encodingSize
params[:reco] = "direct"

im_u = reconstruction(acq, params);

This returns images which can be artifacted in the case of an undersampled acquisitioncan.

We can combine the different coil elements with a sum of squares :

using Subspace_MESE.MRICoilSensitivities
im_u_sos = mergeChannels(im_u)