Generate Subspaces

This package implements 3 different subspaces :

  • Exponential
  • Extended Phase Graph (EPG)
  • Calibration

How to build a subspace

The 3 methods are based on the same concept :

Generate a dictionary with the signal evolution at each echo time signal_dict

Apply a Singular Value Decomposition on it

svd_obj = svd(signal_dict)

and then crop to the desired subspace dimension

basis = ComplexF32.(svd_obj.V)[:, 1:NUM_BASIS]

This concept can be applied to create your own subspace, for example directly from echo images.

Difference between the 3 methods

Exponential and EPG subspace generate a dictionary with the signal evolution of the Multi-Echo Spin-Echo sequence for various $T_2$ (or $B_1$ for the EPG case).

The calibration subspace reconstructs low-resolution images at each Echo Time with the fully sampled area of the k-space.

Exponential subspace

    MESE_basis_exp(NUM_BASIS::Int,TE::AbstractFloat,ETL::Int, T2_vec::AbstractVector;removeFirstPoint::Bool=false)

Generate a temporal basis for a Multi-Echo Spin-Echo sequence with an exponential model.for various value of T2 stored as a vector in T2_vec. The first point of the echo train can be removed from the dictionnary with the keyword removeFirstPoint to minimize the effect of stimulated echoes.

Input :

- `NUM_BASIS::Int : Number of temporal basis to extract
- `TE::AbstractFloat` : Cartesian acquisition with a fully-sampled center.
- `ETL::Int` : Echo Train Length
- `T2_vec::AbstractVector` : Vector of T₂ values used to generate the signal dictionnary

Keyword :

- `removeFirstPoint::Bool=False` : Remove the first point of the dictionnary before the svd

Output :

- `basis` : Matrix of size (ETL,NUM_BASIS)
- `exp_dict` : Dictionnary of signal used to generate the basis

Example :

T2_vec = 1.0:1.0:2000.0
TE = 7.0
ETL = 50

basis_exp,exp_dict = MESE_basis_exp(NUM_BASIS,TE,ETL,T2_vec)

In the publication, the subspace is extracted from a dictionary generated with a range of $T_2$ from 1 ms to 2000 ms with a step of 1 ms.

Other approachs can be used :

  • a logarithmic repartition of $T_2$
  • extracting from a fully acquisition the distribution of $T_2$ and then generate from that distribution the dictionary (Tamir et al, MRM,2017)

Let's take a look at the first 6 subspace vectors from a linear repartition :

using Subspace_MESE

T2_vec = 1.0:1.0:2000.0
TE = 7.0
ETL = 50


using CairoMakie
color = Makie.wong_colors()
f = Figure()
for b in 1:6
    lines!(ax,abs.(basis_exp[:,b]),color=color[b],label = "Basis n°$b")
Example block output

EPG subspace

MESE_basis_EPG(NUM_BASIS::Int,TE,ETL::Int,T2_vec::Union{AbstractVector,AbstractFloat},B1_vec::Union{AbstractVector,AbstractFloat} = 1.0,T1_vec::Union{AbstractVector,AbstractFloat}=1000.0;TR = 1000.0,dummy::Int = 3)

Generate a temporal basis for a Multi-Echo Spin-Echo sequence with an Extended Phase Graph model for various value of T2/B1/T1

stored as a vector in T2_vec/B1_vec/T1_vec.

Input :

- `NUM_BASIS::Int : Number of temporal basis to extract
- `TE::AbstractFloat` : Cartesian acquisition with a fully-sampled center.
- `ETL::Int` : Echo Train Length
- `T2_vec::Union{AbstractVector,AbstractFloat}` : Vector of T₂ values used to generate the signal dictionnary 
- `B1_vec::Union{AbstractVector,AbstractFloat}` : Vector of B₁ values used to generate the signal dictionnary 
- `T1_vec::Union{AbstractVector,AbstractFloat}` : Vector of T₁ values used to generate the signal dictionnary

Keyword :

- `TR` : Repetition time
- `dummy` : Number of dummy scan before extracting the signal value

Output :

- `basis` : Matrix of size (ETL,NUM_BASIS)
- `epg_dict` : Dictionnary of signal used to generate the basis

Example :

B1_vec = 0.8:0.01:1.0
T2_vec = 1.0:1.0:2000.0
T1_vec = 1000.0 #can also be a float
TE = 7.0
TR = 1000.0
ETL = 50

basis_epg, epg_dict =MESE_basis_EPG(NUM_BASIS,TE,ETL,T2_vec,B1_vec,T1_vec;TR=TR,dummy=dummy)

In order to generate the EPG subspace, more parameters need to be defined. Specifically, the range of $B_1$ to be expected in the acquisition might be larger for surfacic transmit coil than for volumic coils that have a homogeneous $B_1^+$ field.

Of note, B1vec, T2vec, T1vec can also be passed as float values rather than vectors. In the publication, the T1vec was fixed to 1000 ms.

using Subspace_MESE
B1_vec = 0.8:0.01:1.0
T2_vec = 1.0:1.0:2000.0
T1_vec = 1000.0 #can also be a vector of float
TE = 7.0
TR = 1000.0
ETL = 50


using CairoMakie
color = Makie.wong_colors()
f = Figure()
for b in 1:6
    lines!(ax,abs.(basis_epg[:,b]),color=color[b],label = "Basis n°$b")
Example block output

Calibration subspace

basis_calibration(NUM_BASIS::Int,acq::AcquisitionData{T,D},crop_size::NTuple{D,Int}) where {T,D}

k_bart = kDataCart(acq);

Extract a temporal basis from a low-resolution images reconstructed using a fully sampled area at the center of the k-space with a size crop_size.

Input :

- `NUM_BASIS::Int : Number of temporal basis to extract
- `acq::AcquisitionData` : Cartesian acquisition with a fully-sampled center.
- `crop_size::NTuple{D,Int})` : size of the  central part of k-space used

Output :

- `basis` : Matrix of size (ETL,NUM_BASIS)
- `calib_dict` : Dictionnary of signal used to generate the basis

Example :

b = BrukerFile("path/to/dataset")

raw = RawAcquisitionData_MESE(b)
acq = AcquisitionData(raw,OffsetBruker = true);

basis, calib_dict = MESE_basis_calibration(acq,(15,15,15),6)

The calibration subspace reconstructs low-resolution images from a fully sampled area of the k-space.

You can generate the subspace from the acquired accelerated acquisition with the parameter crop_size equal to the size of the fully sampled area of the k-space.

But you can also generate the subspace from a different fully acquisition (for example on a control acquisition)

b = BrukerFile("path/to/dataset")

raw = RawAcquisitionData_MESE(b)
acq = AcquisitionData(raw,OffsetBruker = true);

basis,_ = MESE_basis_calibration(acq,(15,15,15),6)